Privacy Policy

Personal data manager

ŽĎAS, a.s., Strojírenská 675/6, Žďár nad Sázavou 1, 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou, ID: 46347160, registered in the commercial register of the Chamber of Commerce in Brno, section B, insert 766, as the administrator will process your personal data according to the conditions set out below.

Personal data processed

In connection with this web presentation, we only process personal data that you provide to us through contact forms on our website and information from cookie files/records, or other technical information listed in network internet protocols.

This is in particular data: first and last name, email, telephone, any other data voluntarily provided by you in the contact forms and their attachments.

Reasons for personal data processing

The main reason for processing your personal data is to ensure the processing of your requests stated in the contact forms. We further process your data for the purpose of performing analyzes and measurements in order to find out how our pages are visited, improving the quality of our presentation.

Access to your personal data

We carefully choose our partners to whom we entrust your data and who are able to ensure such technical and organizational security of your data that unauthorized or accidental access to your data or their misuse cannot occur.

All our partners are bound by confidentiality obligations and may not use the provided data for any purposes other than those for which we have made it available to them.

Third parties that may have access to your personal data depending on the nature of the service you use or have used are:

Under certain, precisely defined conditions, we are obliged to transfer some of your personal data to certain state authorities (Police of the Czech Republic, etc.) or public administration authorities on the basis of valid legal regulations.

Time of personal data processing

We will process your personal data on the basis of your consent for a period of 10 years, unless this consent to the processing of personal data is revoked by you.

Here, however, we would like to point out that the personal data that are necessary for the proper provision of the service, or in order to fulfill all our obligations, whether these obligations arise from the contract between us or from generally binding legal regulations, we must process regardless of your consent for the period determined by the relevant legal regulations or in accordance with them and after any withdrawal of your consent.

Processing of personal data even without your consent

We may process your personal data even without your consent, but only for the purpose of:

The possibility and legality of such processing follows directly from applicable legal regulations and your consent to this processing is not required.

Legality of personal data processing

As already mentioned, we can process your personal data on the basis of your consent, but also, for example, on the basis of our legitimate interest or for the fulfillment of the contract concluded between us, to the extent of personal data that is necessary for such fulfillment.

Last but not least, the reason that allows us to process your personal data even without your consent is the fulfillment of our obligations arising from the law.

Security of personal data

All personal data you provide to us is secured by standard procedures and technologies. We regularly check whether the system does not contain weak points and use such security measures that, if possible, there is no unauthorized access to your personal data, and which, taking into account the current state of technology, provide sufficient security.

The possibility of withdrawing consent to the processing of personal data

You can withdraw your voluntarily given consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending an email to the address:

Withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing of personal data that we process on a different legal basis than consent (i.e. especially if the processing is necessary to fulfill a contract, legal obligation or for other reasons specified in applicable legal regulations).

Voluntary provision of personal data

You provide us with your personal data voluntarily based on your consent. However, failure to provide them may mean that we may not be able to process your inquiries and requests.

Information on the rights of the data subject

In particular, you have the following rights:

Contact data

In case of any question about the protection of personal data or withdrawal of consent to the further processing of your personal data, please use the email, or write to the address:

ŽĎAS, a.s.
Strojírenská 675/6
Žďár nad Sázavou 1
591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou